
Thanks for the response.

> Is it possible to write a class which checks to see if two given type
> arguments are unifiable?

This will probably help:

That was Oleg's response to a post of mine:

I don't think either of these approaches really accomplishes what I'm
after since they both require both arguments to be instantiated
(correct me if I'm wrong about this). I would like a TypeCastP class
for which I can write something like:

   instance (TypeClassP xs (HCons targ rest) b, Branch b targ rest)
=> Member targ xs

where Member can used to build the expected list via unification
(similar to Prolog) as well as check  membership in an already
instantiated list. I was thinking of trying to use Oleg's explicit
backtracking machinery (http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/poly2.hs) to get
backtracking based on unification failure. Also, I was hoping to do
this with Haskell's type variables and unification, rather than
encoding my own machinery.

I'm beginning to think what I'm after is not possible...

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