On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 18:20 +0100, Hans van Thiel wrote:
> Hello All,
> The beta of the 'Gtk2Hs:Getting Started' short tutorial for beginners,
> Haskell GUI for Dummies, if you like :-) can be viewed at
> http://j-van-thiel.speedlinq.nl/gtk2hs/gtk2hsGetStart.html 
> It tells what Gtk2Hs is, shows how to write and run 'Hello World',
> introduces the api and explains how to use it, refers to the Glade
> tutorials, gives an example of widget layout, and ends with some general
> pointers.
> It should take no more than 2,3 hours of the user's time. 
> All feedback very welcome.

Hooray! Thanks Hans.

I should also note that a new release of Gtk2Hs is imminent. You can
grab the latest pre-release and report any issues:



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