Hi Alistair,

> Is there a simple way to get the contents of a webpage using Haskell on a
> Windows box?

This isn't exactly what you want, but it gets you partway there. Not
sure if LineBuffering or NoBuffering is the best option. Line
buffering should be fine for just text output, but if you request a
binary object (like an image) then you have to read exactly the number
of bytes specified, and no more.

This works great for haskell.org, unfortunately it doesn't work as
well with the rest of the web universe.

With www.google.com I get: Program error: <handle>: IO.hGetChar:
illegal operation

With www.slashdot.org I get: 501 Not Implemented returned

www.msnbc.msn.com works fine.

Any ideas why? Are there any alternatives to read in a file off the
internet (i.e. wget but as a library)


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