The primary goal of writing source code isn't to communicate to a
computer, but to communicate to a human being.
That implies that the communication should be at a high enough level
of abstraction to be easily understood by people, while not losing the
precision necessary for a computer.
OO, at least when done well, maps well to how people think. Things
that can be directed to perform actions. There is also a well
developed practice of OO analysis and design. It's not clear (at least
to me) that there is an equivalent set of practices for functional
It did take more  than a decade for the industry to move from
structured analysis and design to OO, even when it was obvious to most
practioners that there was a horrible mismatch, and the models coming
out of analysis didn't apply.
The consensus answer to 'how do I implement my OO model in Haskell'
seems to be 'you're asking the wrong question'. But what is the right

On 1/28/07, Frederick Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm going to be offensive, bigoted, and myopic for a minute here:
programming straight onto the Turing machine (and not too
dissimilarly, the von Neumann machine) is the act of making your
thoughts comprehensible to a little gizmo that exists to zip back and
forth on an infinite ticker tape.  We should therefore abstract.
However, I am only marginally happier about making my thoughts
comprehensible to a tinkertoy set (which is how I regard object
oriented programming).

Why not just stay as close to mathematics as possible?  Why the deep
desire to communicate your loftiest intentions to a tinkertoy set?

There was the Lambada project to map between Java's object hierarchies
and Haskell, however, and there was a lot of effort put into making
Haskell talk properly through COM.  Both of those necessitate a model
of object oriented programming embedded in Haskell which would provide
you with prior art.

On 1/27/07, Alexy Khrabrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...In the tradition of the "letters of an ignorant newbie"...
> What's the consensus on the OOP in Haskell *now*?  There're some
> libraries such as OOHaskell, O'Haskell, and Haskell~98's own qualified
> type system with inheritance.
> If I have GHC, which way to do anything OOP-like is considered "right"

Frederick Ross
Graduate Fellow, (|Siggia> + |McKinney>)/sqrt(2) Lab
The Rockefeller University
Je ne suis pas Fred Cross!
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