Sorry to Duncan, I hit reply which just sent my reply to your own email address not to the mailing list. Second time I've made that mistake. Hopefully this one will reach the list instead.

I can't even check out the darcs version from the repository because that gives me an error (on applying patch 107/256 from memory). So I am using the tarball for c2hs-0.14.5. Here is the problem:

./Setup.hs configure

Couldn't match expected type `Distribution.PackageDescription.PackageDescription'
           against inferred type `LocalBuildInfo'
    Probable cause: `addWrapperAndLib' is applied to too many arguments
    In the `postInst' field of a record
    In the first argument of `defaultMainWithHooks', namely
        `defaultUserHooks {postInst = addWrapperAndLib}'

I have ghc 6.6 installed. I also have ghc 6.7.x installed in a different location. I would like to be able to use c2hs with ghc 6.7.x if possible.


On 12/04/2007, at 3:41 PM, Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 15:20 +1000, Ruben Zilibowitz wrote:

I am having trouble building c2hs on Mac OS X. I noticed that
Darwinports has a port for this, but I'd like to install it without
using Darwinports because I already have ghc compiled and installed
on my system.

Does anyone know how to get c2hs to work on the mac (or why it
doesn't work in the first place)?

What is the problem exactly? Are you using the latest tarball or the
darcs version?


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