On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 02:00 +0100, Donnchadh Ó Donnabháin wrote: 
>    Hi Peter,
>  I'm also just starting to learn Haskell and tried the eclipsefp
>  eclipse plugin [1] (since my day job is java development).
Hello Donnchadh,

What operating system do you use? I've tried it several times on Fedora
Core 6 but it doesn't work, either with the FC Eclipse or the official
Eclipse version. The Haskell plug-in  installs fine, but the editor
crashes, not always the same way.
The problem seems to be the different Java versions, and Java Virtual
Machines, which are in use on different systems. The Fedora Eclipse also
has problems with some other plug-ins which are not supported (yet).

Something similar happened with an Open Office Java utility which,
according to the documentation, only works with the Sun JVM. Even though
OO allows selection among different JVMs, that didn't work either.

The eclipsefp site does list some bugs I've encountered, but does not
mention any JVM or other preferences. But I'm convinced that's the
> It seems a
>  little basic at the moment, but judging from this blog [2] it seems to
>  have a lot of potential. 
What I've seen of it, before it crashes, looks very nice. 


Hans van Thiel
> In fact part of the project seems to be to
>  allow the development of eclipse plugins written in haskell, which
>  could allow the possibility of integrating some of the tools listed on
>  the haskell wiki with it.
>  I also tried eclipsedarcs [3] for darcs repository access but it only
>  really seems to work with local repositories.
>    Donnchadh
>  [1] http://eclipsefp.sourceforge.net/haskell/index.html
>  [2] http://cohatoe.blogspot.com/
>  [3] http://eclipsedarcs.org/doku.php

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