On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 19:35 +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
> On 6/18/07, apfelmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you need the hash function for a hash table or for
> > fingerprints/signatures? In the former case, Tries are a much better
> > choice. For launching your own trie, see also
> I'm actually using them for bucket addressing for external indexing
> with a linear hash table. (Yes, the hashing does count, because
> buckets are cached in memory.)
> Actually, if one wants a concurrent dictionary, using something in the vein of
> type HashTable k v = TVar (Array Int (TVar [(k,v)]))
> has very good performance. It always seems something of a shame that
> if you want all the benefits of lazy functional programming, you too
> often have to settle for O(n log n) data structures.
> <non-haskell-slight-rant>
> Incidentally, while I've got your attention, I note that if you use a
> good quality hash function like the one I ripped off, you don't need
> to use [mostly] prime numbers for sizing your hash tables, and you can
> use powers of two instead, which simplifies a bunch of things. This is
> kind of obvious when you think about it, but every hash function I
> came across as an undergraduate or even as a post-grad, with the
> exception of md5 et al, was not good.  The dogma was that *good* hash
> functions are too expensive for everyday use. So a word of advice to
> all you worthy tertiary educators - this is not the 1970s any more -
> good, cheap hash functions do exist, so update your course notes. :-)
> </non-haskell-slight-rant>

Indeed, "Performance in Practice of String Hashing Functions"

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