On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:00 AM, Paul Moore wrote:

It probably depends on your perspective. I've found lots of tasks that
would be a simple library call in Python, but which require me to
write the code myself in Haskell. Examples:

* Calculate the MD5 checksum of a file

How's this, only one line is specific to your problem:

import System.Process
import IO

doShell :: String -> IO String
doShell cmd = do
    (_,out,_,_) <- runInteractiveCommand cmd
    hGetContents out

main :: IO ()
main = do
    md5 <- doShell "md5 -q md5.hs"
    putStrLn md5

It's not like you'll be kicked out of the tree house for leaving the Haskell world to get things done. For example, ghostscript and pdf2ps are well-supported open source tools for converting PS to PDF, that can be called from most languages. What's the deal with everyone rewriting PDF handling in their pet language, when it's so much easier to generate Postscript? I'd call that Balkanization; if I were managing a software group, I'd never let that happen.

The true problem isn't adequate libraries in each language, it's interoperability so great open-source tools can get written once and then be supported by a cast of thousands.

There are people who claim with a straight face that they migrated to OS X primarily to use TextMate


which is a GUI editor getting Emacs-like buzz, making Emacs seem by comparison like your grandfather's razor. It's as much a text-based operating system as an editor, and the whole thing is glued together with hundreds of snippets of code one can hack, written in every scripting language imaginable. Polyglots feel right at home...

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