Bertram Felgenhauer wrote two wonderful implementations of power_list:
  power_list :: [a] -> [[a]]
  power_list []     = [[]]
  power_list (x:xs) = add_x (assert_first_empty $ power_list xs) x
     where assert_first_empty ~([]:xs) = []:xs
           add_x [] _     = []
           add_x (y:ys) x = y : (x:y) : add_x ys x

It's safe to replace the ~([]:xs) by ~(_:xs) - this should result in slightly more efficient code (but I did no timings).

With GHC, it seems to make no observable difference.

Finally for lovers of oneliners, here's the same code with foldr, slightly obscured by using >>= for concatMap:

  power_list :: [a] -> [[a]]
  power_list = foldr (\x ~(_:xs) -> []:xs >>= \ys -> [ys, x:ys]) [[]]

I loved how short and sweet this version is, but sadly with GHC it's noticeably slower than Bertram's first, more directly coded, version (1.32 seconds vs 0.55 seconds for power_list [1..24]).

The two-line variant below is just over 25% faster than the above oneliner under GHC, but at 1.04 seconds, it's still bested by the explicit version:

  power_list :: [a] -> [[a]]
  power_list []     = [[]]
power_list (x:xs) = [] : tail [y | ps <- power_list xs, y <- [ps, x:ps]]

Anyway, we're now far from our original topic, but thanks to Bertram, we can see that power_list can be coded in a way that is memory efficient, lazy-list friendly, and (relatively) easy to read.

Best Regards,


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