For the translation of the above OCaml code, there is not much to do,
in fact it is mostly functional, and so easily translated in Haskell
code, note that I add a code to handle input of the form
to resolve it and print a solution :

import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M

invalid :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
invalid (i, j) (i', j') = i==i' || j==j' ||
                          (i `div` 3 == i' `div` 3 && j `div` 3 == j' `div` 3)

select p n p' ns = if invalid p p' then filter (/= n) ns else ns

cmp (_, l1) (_, l2) = (length l1) `compare` (length l2)

add p n sols =
 sortBy cmp $ map (\(p', ns) -> (p', select p n p' ns)) sols

search f sol [] = f sol
search f sol ((p, ns):sols) =
     concatMap (\n -> search f (M.insert p n sol) (add p n sols)) ns

My additions :
base :: [((Int, Int),[Int])]
base = [((i,j), [1..9]) | i <- [0..8], j <- [0..8]]

createBoard input = foldr constraint (M.empty, purge base input) input
      constraint (p, [n]) (sol,sols) = (M.insert p n sol,add p n sols)
      purge b i = filter (maybe True (const False) . flip lookup i . fst) b

inputBoard :: String -> [((Int, Int), [Int])]
inputBoard = filter (not . null . snd)
             . zip (range ((0,0),(8,8)))
                    . map (\c -> if isDigit c then [read [c]] else [])

showSol = unlines . concat .  intersperse ([replicate 15 '-']) . split 3
          . map (unwords . intersperse "|" . split 3) . split 9
          . map (chr . (+ ord '0')) . M.elems
      split n = takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n)

solve = head . uncurry (search ((:[]).showSol)) . createBoard . inputBoard

main = interact $ solve

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