On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I thought it must be possible to define an unboxed array type with Storable elements.

Yes, this just hasn't been done. There would be a few potentially tricky corners, of course; Storable instances are not required to be fixed in size, though all the precanned instances are.

I see. This could be solved with a StorableFixedSize class. But it hasn't been done, too, I assume.

Using arbitrary Storable instances would make it necessary to scan an array linearly to get to a particular element, defeating one of the advantages of e.g. ByteStrings.

I doubt that someone is interested in such an array implementation.

Further on, I wonder why pairs are not instances of Storable.

I think it hasn't been done simply because it hasn't been done.

Maybe also because of the issue of varying sizes?
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