On 9/11/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dougal Stanton wrote:
> > On 11/09/2007, Peter Verswyvelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> To me, Haskell was a bit like climbing a mountain which is largely
> >> covered by fog; you don't see anything until you've climbed high enough,
> >> and then the view is really beautiful ;-)
> >>
> >
> > Either that or: the foothills are glorious, but as soon as you get
> > into the higher altitudes you can fall down a monad and not be able to
> > escape...
> >
> At the risk of being told to STHU again... somebody should collect these
> things and keep them somewhere!

The logical place would be <http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Humor>.
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