
> I think there is a niche for a subset of the hackage libraries providing
> an officially sanctioned standard library collection.  Currently,
> hackage includes, well, everything.  As such, it is a useful resource,
> but it would be useful to have a partitioning into two levels, where the
> "SLC" would only include libraries that meet specific criteria.  Maybe:
>  - considered stable
>  - is portable
>  - relies only on other standard libraries
>  - avoids needless duplication of functionality
>  - with a responsive, named maintainer (not libraries@)
>  - with acceptable documentation and unit tests
>  - required by at least one separate application

I think there is a niche for this, but I don't think it should be an
officially sanctioned collection - since otherwise everyone is just
going to be debating how to add their library to this collection - and
we are going to descend into voting and politics. Instead, I think
several people should make their own personal list of "libraries they
would vouch for" - which meet the criteria above AND they have
personal positive experiences of.

Off the top of my head my list would include gtk2hs, and that's about it.


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