On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 09:17 -0400, Olivier Boudry wrote:
> Hello,
> I just built gtk2hs 0.9.12 using MinGW, GTK_2.0 and
> ghc- I just changed some EXTERNALDEPS in the Makefile
> based on info found in the following page
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Grapefruit

I'm not sure what's going wrong there. I should note that there is a
gtk2hs-0.9.12 branch which contains the fixes to build with ghc-6.8.0.x
and there will be a gtk2hs point release once ghc-6.8.1 is released.

You could try cleaning, and ./configure --disable-split-objs to see if
that fares any better.


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