On Nov 5, 2007 1:30 PM, Jonathan Cast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > main = do
> Get two standard generators (one per dimension)
> >   g0 <- newStdGen
> >   g1 <- newStdGen
> Get an infinite list of pairs
> >   let pairs = [ (x, y) | x <- randoms (-1, 1) g0,
> >                          y <- randoms (-1, 1) g1 ]

This will return a list like [(a,b),(a,c),(a,d),(a,e),...].  This
needs to be a parallel comprehension:

let pairs = [ (x,y) | x <- randoms (-1,1) g0 | y <- randoms (-1,1) g1 ]

(Did I remember that syntax right?)

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