On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 13:58 +1030, Michael Mounteney wrote:
> Hello, I have an application that uses/used Text.Regex and have just updated 
> GHC from 6.6.1 to 6.8.2 and it seems that Text.Regex is gone, so I'm trying 
> to install the replacement from Hackage.
> First of all, the procedure is quite tedious as one has to install the 
> hierarchy of dependencies manually but apparently there are moves to automate 
> this process.

Yes. You can try cabal-install now if you like:

though be prepared to report bugs and limitations:

That said, I use it all the time now. It's much quicker than manually
downloading and configuring everything.

> The procedure stalled on regex-base-0.92.

None of the 0.9x versions have been updated for the base-3 library that
comes with ghc-6.8 now. Instead try using:


These versions work with ghc-6.8 and earlier.

These would be the "latest" versions if it were not for the 0.9x series.
We need some way to tell hackage or cabal-install that the latest
version is not necessarily the best or recommended version.


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