
I'm trying to write a function that finds out the week day using the Zeller congruence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeller's_congruence).

However, ghc complains about: parse error on input `=' at the "if m <= 2 then " line. I believe this is some sort of layout error. Can someone point out what I am doing wrong?

Here's the code:

data DiaSemana = Lunes | Martes | Miercoles | Jueves | Viernes
                                | Sabado | Domingo deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, 
diaDeSemana d m a = toEnum num :: DiaSemana
                                                num = zeller x y z
                                                zeller x y z = (700 + (26 * x - 
2) `div` 10
                                                        + d + y + y `div` 4 + z 
`div` 4 - 2 * z)
                                                        `mod` 7
if m <= 2 then x = m + 10
                                                        y = (a - 1) `mod` 100
                                                        z = (a-1) 'div' 100
else x = m - 2
                                                        y = a  `mod` 100
                                                        z = a `div` 100

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