Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

Now I'm getting a bit confused here. To summarize, what encoding does GHC 6.8.2 use for [Char]? UCS-32?

How dare you! Such a personal question! This is none of your business.

I jest, but the point is sound: the internal storage of Char is ghc's business, and it should not leak to the programmer. All the programmer needs to know is that Char is capable of storing unicode characters. GHC might choose some custom storage method, including making Char an ADT behind the scenes, or whatever it likes. Other haskell compilers or interpreters are free to choose their own representation.

In practice, I believe that for GHC it's a wchar, which is typically a 32bit character with reasonably efficient libc support.

What *does* matter to the programmer is what encodings putStr and getLine use. AFAIK, they use "lower 8 bits of unicode code point" which is almost functionally equivalent to latin-1.


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