Have you seen Koza's Genetic Programming as well?

His original implementation was in Lisp, but I think it can be done
elegantly in Haskell as well, perhaps with the advantage of static

Hmm, I just found this:

I also found a paper on something called PolyGP:

Whether mathematically reasonable or not, I think EC works well in
practice but within some limits.  A few "inventions" and "discoveries"
have been done through it, and there are certainly lots of interesting
uses out there in optimization.  But after a few years it seems that
EC is not the panacea that enthusiasts promised in the past.  It often
involves quite a lot of work setting up, takes long time to converge
to something, whereas other simpler methods can give similar/better
results, just because you can apply your knowledge more directly.

But I must say I don't have much practical experience with them
myself.  Mostly reading other people's work.


PS: Check this out too, mentioning Sean Luke's work:

On Jan 24, 2008 4:55 PM, PR Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> What does the list think of EC? Genetic algorithm is apparently the
> latest thing.
> Is EC mathematically reasonable?
> Paul
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