Excerpts from Georg Neis's message of Fri Mar 14 06:38:02 -0500 2008:
> Hello,
> I've installed the HFuse package from hackage and am playing with the
> HelloFS example in the System/Posix/HFuse directory.

As far as I know, the package uploaded onto hackage is merely a
cabal-ised version of the old(er) HFuse which I don't believe has been
maintained in quite a while.

The only recent work I know of on the project is that of Will
Thompsons'. A darcs repository can be located here:


I've tested it on 6.8 and it works fine (Will has 6.6 I believe,) and
the HelloFS example should work, but it is still under development
(notably I believe him mentioning that the BindFS example 
has a deadlock issue at the moment.) Testing out that version might
yield better results.
I would recommend contacting him on the matter, since he seems to be
the only person in this project currently. Sorry I couldn't have been
more help.

"It was in the days of the rains that their prayers went up, 
not from the fingering of knotted prayer cords or the spinning 
of prayer wheels, but from the great pray-machine in the
monastery of Ratri, goddess of the Night."
 Roger Zelazny
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