Hugo Pacheco:
Sorry, I meant

type FList a x = Either One (a,x)
type instance F [a] = FList a

We should not allow such programs.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Hugo Pacheco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current implementation is wrong, as it permits

  type S a b = a
  type family F a :: * -> *
  type instance F a = S a

Why do we need to forbid this type instance?  Because it breaks the
confluence of equality constraint normalisation.  Here are two
diverging normalisations:


    F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

  ==> DECOMP

    F Int ~ F Int, Bool ~ Char

  ==> FAIL


    F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

  ==> TOP

    S Int Bool  ~  S Int Char

  ==> (expand type synonym)

    Int  ~  Int


This does mean that a program such as

type FList a = Either One ((,) a)
type instance F [a] = FList a

will be disallowed in further versions?
Doesn't this problem occur only for type synonyms that ignore one or more of the parameters? If so, this could be checked...


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