On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Bruno Carnazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've done this modification with no more success :
>  import qualified Data.List as List
>  import qualified Data.Map as Map
>  f :: Integer -> Integer
> f n | even n = n `div` 2
>     | otherwise = 3 * n + 1
>  chain m n =
>     let chain' cn cm | Map.member cn m = Map.map (+ (m Map.! cn)) cm
>                      | otherwise = chain' (f cn) $! Map.insert cn 1 (Map.map 
> (+1) cm)
>     in chain' n Map.empty

This function raises a red flag for me.  The collatz sequence gets
_very_ big, with
very many distinct numbers.  You are saving the length of the
resulting chain for
each of those numbers, which is going to take a lot of memory.  But
Map is also lazy
in its values, so the values you are storing once chain finishes will look like:


Instead of 22, which is taking quite a lot of memory as well.

My impression is that the caching approach is just a bad idea.  It is
not necessary
to solve the problem efficiently; a brute force approach runs in under
1 minute in
constant memory for me.

Try to simplify your approach.  I'd suggest generating a list
representing the collatz
sequence starting at the number, then just taking its 'length'.  Do
that for each number
and find the maximum.  There should be no need for Data.Map.

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