On 16/04/2008, at 22:15, Graham Fawcett wrote:
Hi folks, I'm a newbie, so please forgive any terminological mistakes.

I've been using Shim in Emacs with great success, but there's one
issue I've encountered, and I don't know if it's configuration problem
or something fundamental. Consider a module 'App' and submodules
'App.Front' and 'App.Back'. When editing code in App that depends on
the submodules, Shim works well at resolving the location of the
submodules, and validates my code. But when editing App.Front, which
depends on App.Back, Shim fails to validate -- my working directory is
App.Front, and Shim doesn't seem able to find the location of

I'd like to be able to tell Shim that 'App' is the root of my project,
and to locate modules from that root. Is this possible?

Shim already does this. All it requires is that your project is a Cabal project. Shim will locate the Cabal descriptor and auto configure itself from there. Does that solve your problem ?

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