
I'm trying to rewrite some FD classes to use associated types instead. The Port class is for type structures whose leaves have the same type:

  class Port p
      type Leaf   p
      type Struct p
      toList   :: p -> [Leaf p]
      fromList :: [Leaf p] -> p

(Leaf p) gives the leaf type, and (Struct p) gives a canonical representation of the structure regardless of leaf type. Here we just instantiate two leaf types:

  instance Port Int
      type Leaf   Int = Int
      type Struct Int = ()
      toList   a      = [a]
      fromList [a]    = a

  instance Port Bool
      type Leaf   Bool = Bool
      type Struct Bool = ()
      toList   a       = [a]
      fromList [a]     = a

There's also a function for mapping over ports:

  mapPort ::
      ( Port pa
      , Port pb
      , Struct pa ~ Struct pb
      ) =>
        (Leaf pa -> Leaf pb) -> (pa -> pb)

  mapPort f = fromList . map f . toList

The equality constraint makes sure that we're mapping between equal structures. When I try to run this, I get:

  *Main> mapPort even (5::Int)

      No instance for (Integral (Leaf Int))

because as it stands, mapPort is not able to infer (pb = Bool) from (Struct pb = ()) and (Leaf pb = Bool).

What's the easiest way to encode that pb can be inferred from (Struct pb) and (Leaf pb)?


/ Emil


I used to have a class

  class SameStruct pa a pb b | pa -> a, pa b -> pb, pb -> b, pb a -> pa

In the example above, we'd have pa=Int and b==Bool, so the second dependeny would infer pb=Bool.

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