The garbage collector never gets to collect either the action used to populate the cached value, or the private TMVar used to hold the cached value.

A better type for TIVal is given below. It is a newtype of a TVal. The contents are either a delayed computation or the previously forced value.

Thew newTIVal(IO) functions immediately specify the delayed action.

The newEmptyTIVal(IO) functions create a private TMVar that allows the delayed action to be specified once later. Note the use of tryPutTMVar to return a Bool instead of failing, in the event that the user tries to store more that one action.

When force is called, the previous action (and any private TMVar) are forgotten. The garbage collector might then be free to collect them.


-- By Chris Kuklewicz (April 2008), public domain
module TIVal(TIVal,newTIVal,newTIValIO,force,cached) where

import Control.Applicative(Applicative(..))
import Control.Concurrent.STM(STM,TVar,newTVar,newTVarIO,readTVar,writeTVar
import Control.Monad(Monad(..),join,liftM2)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

newtype TIVal a = TIVal (TVar (Either (STM a) a))

-- the non-empty versions take a computation to delay

newTIVal :: STM a -> STM (TIVal a)
newTIVal = fmap TIVal . newTVar . Left

newTIValIO :: STM a -> IO (TIVal a)
newTIValIO = fmap TIVal . newTVarIO . Left

-- The empty versions stage things with a TMVar, note the use of join
-- Plain values 'a' can be stored with (return a)

newEmptyTIVal :: STM ( TIVal a, STM a -> STM Bool)
newEmptyTIVal = do
  private <- newEmptyTMVar
  tv <- newTVar (Left (join $ readTMVar private))
  return (TIVal tv, tryPutTMVar private)

newEmptyTIValIO :: IO ( TIVal a, STM a -> STM Bool )
newEmptyTIValIO = do
  private <- newEmptyTMVarIO
  tv <- newTVarIO (Left (join $ readTMVar private))
  return (TIVal tv, tryPutTMVar private)

-- force will clearly let go of the computation (and any private TMVar)

force :: TIVal a -> STM a
force (TIVal tv) = do
  v <- readTVar tv
  case v of
    Right a -> return a
    Left wait -> do a <- wait
                    writeTVar tv (Right a)
                    return a

-- Conal's "cached" function. This is actually safe.

cached :: STM a -> TIVal a
cached = unsafePerformIO . newTIValIO

-- The instances

instance Functor TIVal where
  f `fmap` tiv = cached (f `fmap` force tiv)

instance Applicative TIVal where
  pure x      = cached (pure x)
  ivf <*> ivx = cached (force ivf <*> force ivx)

instance Monad TIVal where
  return x  = cached (return x)
  tiv >>= k = cached (force tiv >>= force . k)

instance Applicative STM where
  pure x = return x
ivf <*> ivx = liftM2 ($) ivf ivx

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