On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 05:05:21PM -0700, Jeremy Shaw wrote:
> At Thu, 22 May 2008 01:04:24 +0200,
> Marc Weber wrote:
> > Some way representing relational data which is typically stored in
> > databases such as Postgresql..
> > 
> > Rewriting something like Postgresql in haskell would take ages..
> > So I'd be satisfied with having in memory representation only (this
> > would fit the HAppS state system very well .. :)
> Are you familiar with the HAppS IxSet library? 
Yes - not with all that sybwith-class stuff though.
There are some issues:
its dynamic : doesn't this waste some CPU cycles?
no multi indexes..
maybe some space leaks because the data type containing the Maps is
build after each filter maybe leaving unevaluating chunks - Saizan has
told me about it on HAppS.. And you can't extend it to the degree I'd
like to (eg throw a query at it and let the system figure out which
indexes to use)
And last but not least: It does'nt support relations at all yet.
So all the effort adding / checking foreign keys etc has to be done

Thanks Marc
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