Isaac Dupree wrote:
   foo :: (Char -> a /\ Bool -> b) -> (a,b)

a.k.a. find some value that matches both Char->a and Bool->b for some a and b. Could use type-classes to do it.

Uhmm... you mean something like (neglecting TC-related issues here)

class C a b where
   fromChar :: Char -> a
   fromBool :: Bool -> b

or some more clever thing?

If this can be encoded with method-less classes, I would be quite interested in knowing how.

But why, when we can just use standard tuples instead?
foo :: (Char -> a , Bool -> b) -> (a,b)

This makes the class dictionary explicit.

Alas, IIUC we lost type erasure (does that still hold with intersection types?) in this "implementation".

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