"Martin DeMello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks! Did you have any conflicts between manual and apt-got stuff?

Not yet, but I haven't really hammered my system with packages yet.

> Is there any equivalent to gentoo's "package.provided" (which
> basically says 'I have installed this manually; please don't try to
> update it for me')?

I'm not familar with Gentoo (anymore - I ran it briefly, but got tired
of all the compiling), but I think the answer is 'no'.  The native
packages go in /usr/{bin,lib,..}, while manual installs --
i.e. cabal -- puts stuff under /usr/local (or in your home dir).  

Native packages can of course only depend on and be built against
other native packages.  For "manually" installed packages, I believe
cabal will use the newest version wherever, as long as it's compatible
with the dependency specification in the .cabal file.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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