Johan Tibell wrote:
* Why is this practice common in Haskell

Here are some guesses:

1. It's common in papers.

2. It's the default.

Probably not.

3. Lack of common interfaces.


It's really quite frustrating that it is 100% impossible to write a single function that will process lists, arrays, sets, maps, byte strings, etc. You have to write several different versions. OK, so some functions really don't make sense for a set because it's unordered, and some functions don't make sense for a map, and so forth. But for example, if I write some complicated algorithm that uses a list to store data and I change that to a set instead, I now have to wade through the function changing every operation from a list-op into a set-op. It's really very annoying!

The problem - as I'm sure everybody is well aware - is that it's rather hard to come up with a type system formulation that works even though lists and arrays can store everything, unboxed arrays can only store types X, Y and Z, sets and maps require ordered data, byte strings only store bytes, and so on and so forth.

4. Haskell is a very expressive language. You can often write a whole
function definition on one line! Adding those module qualifications
makes your code slightly longer and it might just break your beautiful
one liner into two lines.

5. Writing "Hello" Prelude.++ "World" is just ugly. ;-)

In addition, I feel I should point out that only *very* recently did I discover that it is in fact possible to import a module qualified and still be able to refer to it easily. What do I mean by that? Well, suppose I do

 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

I do *not* want to have to write "Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.runParser"!!

Until very recently, it was not at all clear to me that there is actually a very simple solution to this problem:

 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P

Now I only have to write "P.runPaser", which is much shorter.

This fact probably needs to be mentioned more loudly - I'm sure I'm not the only person to have overlooked it...

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