Isaac Dupree wrote:

Well Chris Okasaki called them "Skew Binary Random-Access Lists", which is even longer :)


hmm.. IndexableList? (just a thought, not sure whether I like it any better)

IList? <- (will I be sued by a large computer company for that?)

Yes, I wasn't happy with that one either. The view-concept of Data.Sequence is a good idea.
> yeah, it's a good idea, although I'm not sure how much I like the
> particular syntax of how it's done in Data.Sequence (the view-types'
> constructor names, mostly)

I now have

data View a
        = Empty
        | Cons a (RandomAccessList a)


view :: RandomAccessList a -> a

additionally, I renamed "extractHead" to "uncons" (which is OK, because I also have "cons") but still left "head" and "tail" with the typical list-like behaviour (causing an error on empty lists).

[Monad vs. Maybe]

That's quite convincing, most of all that "fail" has rather strange definitions for many Monads (because it originally does not belong to monads, does it?).


The size function is in O(1) because I cache it, otherwise it would be

size (RandomAccessList xs) = sum (map fst xs)

which is O(log n). I consider the caching useful, as most applications will check 0 <= i < size quite often.

sounds good


If two lists have exactly the same size, all the complete binary trees holding the data have the same size as well. This can be zipped directly and is a bit (~5% in my tests) faster.

okay, that sounds like a fair optimization, since zipping same-size lists is a nice thing to do anyway. But the asymptotic speed ideally should still be O(min(m,n)), if possible?

Well... I guess that's possible converting the shorter one into a list and using fold for zipping. I'll have a close look at this!


Früher hieß es ja: Ich denke, also bin ich.
Heute weiß man: Es geht auch so.

 - Dieter Nuhr
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