On Jul 22, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Jul 22, 2008, at 13:18 , L29Ah wrote:

outStanza | (isMessage) = outMessage
            | (isPresence) = outPresence
            | (isIQ) = outIQ

Why such a style doesn't work, so I must write ugly code like that:

Because the Haskell 98 Report specifies that guards are rewritten in a specific way, which in your case produces invalid code. See http://haskell.org/onlinereport/decls.html#pattern-bindings for details.

You may mimic the syntax you wish by writing your own PF combinators, eg. by declaring

outStanza =
            (isMessage  .=  outMessage .|
            (isPresence .=  outPresence .|
            (isIQ              .=  outIQ .| ... )))

once you've defined combinators

(p .= f) x = if p x then (f .Left) x else (f. Right) x


(f .| g) (Left a) = f a
(f .| g) (Right b) = g b

with appropriate infix priorities ( .| higher than .= ).

But you still need the extra parentheses...


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