On 12 Aug 2008, at 11:19, Jules Bean wrote:

Conor McBride wrote:
This sounds like bad news to me. I wonder how broken this
G5 ghc is for a G4. Perhaps it should be labelled G5
rather than PowerPC in the large print. I'm quite scared
about trying to build ghc: I worry that it may involve
confronting large areas of my ignorance.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.11 on a 1.5GHz PowerPC G4
PowerBook with 768MB of memory. I've got gcc 4.0.0.
I'm using the 6.8.3 build whose entry on this page

FWIW, I use ghc on my G4 and I got it by compiling from MacPorts.

It took the best part of  day, but the resulting binary works.

I'm not sure whirl is the right word, but I'll give it one anyway.



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