oops .. features supported..

1) asynchronous I/O

2) locked memory

3) mqueue (message queues)

4) realtime scheduling

5) timers and clocks

Regards, Vasili

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:11 AM, Galchin, Vasili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello,
>      1) I have added more to "the posix realtime" support.
>            - I put in parens above because I have currently uploaded
> outside the Haskell Unix library .. i.e. I am still open to submitting to
> the Unix library.
>            - I have also put in parens because I have not personally
> implemented all of the posix realtime support .... others have also
> implemented Posix realtime support.
>     2) I am still trying to learn the Haskell FFI .. my bad .. thank you
> Brandon, Derek, Don(2?), Jason, Bulat, Duncan, Felipe, Bryan, Ketli, Luke,
> Jonthan, Jeremy, Jules. . .. Sorry for list .. alittle corney .. but
> nonetheless very grateful!  Who did I forget who answered my questions? Is
> this a pre-order? ;^)
>     3) There are still issues with RTDataTypes.hsc that I am working with
> .. in particular Sigevent.
>     4) This has been a learning exercise for me as I said in terms of the
> Haskell API and Haskell monad class. Someone one in the 2) list suggested
> aHaskell Posix AIO (async IO) API implemented in terms of the State monad or
> Continuation monad ... I didn't ignore this suggestion ... I am still
> thinking about .. i.e. the AIO "API" is a somewhat moving target.
> Kind regards, Vasili
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