Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
Right, but they might be the same package version, if one is a dynamically loaded bit of code and the other isn't.

OK. It's up to the dynamic loader to deal with this, and make sure that initialisers are not run more than once when it loads the package into the RTS. The scopes and names are all well-defined. How hard is this?

My question was actually about what happens with some different library that needs <-; how do we know whether having two <-s is safe or not?

I don't understand. When is it not safe?

No, it seems like the right way to do introspection to me, rather than adding some new mechanism for describing a datatype as your paper

Aesthetic arguments are always difficult. The best I can say is, why are some classes blessed with a special language-specified behaviour? It looks like an ugly hack to me. We have a class with a member that may be safely exposed to call, but not safely exposed to define. How is this the right way?

By contrast, top-level <- is straightforward to understand. Even the scope issues are not hard. It's safe, it doesn't privilege a class with special and hidden functionality, it doesn't introspect into types, and it allows individual unique values rather than just unique instances per type. And it also allows top-level IORefs and MVars.

We could arrange for the class member of Typeable to be called "unsafe...".

We could, but it's not actually unsafe to call as such. It's only unsafe to implement. And if we're going the implicit contract route, we have to resort to unsafe functions to do type representation. It's not necessary, and seems rather against the spirit of Haskell.

Time was when people would insist that unsafePerformIO wasn't Haskell, though perhaps useful for debugging. Now we have all these little unsafe things because people think they're necessary, and there's an implicit contract forced on the user not to be unsafe. But it turns out that they're not necessary.

I don't see what the point of multiple values is, I'm afraid. A single instance of Typeable is fine for doing type equality tests.

Sometimes you want to do witness equality tests rather than type equality tests. For instance, I might have a "foo" exception and a "bar" exception, both of which carry an Int. Rather than create new Foo and Bar types, I can just create a new witness for each.

Or if I want, I can create a dictionary of heterogeneous items, with IOWitness values as keys. Then I can do a top-level <- to declare keys in this dictionary. Now I've got OOP objects.

Ashley Yakeley
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