Simon Marlow wrote:
Lev Walkin wrote:

I wondered why would a contemporary GHC 6.8.3 exhibit such a leak?
After all, the technique was known in 2000 (and afir by Wadler in '87)
and one would assume Joe English's reference to "most other Haskell
systems" ought to mean GHC.

Thanks for this nice example - Don Stewart pointed me to it, and Simon PJ and I just spent some time this morning diagnosing it.

Incedentally, with GHC 6.8 you can just run the program with "+RTS -hT" to get a basic space profile, there's no need to compile it for profiling - this is tremendously useful for quick profiling jobs. And in this case we see the the heap is filling up with (:) and Tree constructors, no thunks.

Here's the short story: GHC does have the space leak optimisation you refer to, and it is working correctly, but it doesn't cover all the cases you might want it to cover. In particular, optimisations sometimes interact badly with the space leak avoidance, and that's what is happening here. We've known about the problem for some time, but this is the first time I've seen a nice small example that demonstrates it.

    -- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
    build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
    build (Start str : es) =
            let (es', subnodes) = build es
                (spill, siblings) = build es'
            in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
    build (Leaf str : es) =
            let (spill, siblings) = build es
            in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
    build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
    build [] = ([], [])


We don't know of a good way to fix this problem. I'm going to record this example in a ticket for future reference, though.


is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular

Lev Walkin
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