I would like to know why I'm getting a particular compile time error message.

In this program, I am specifying a function type on /combs'/ in the where clause:

module Main where

import List (delete)

combs :: Eq a => [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
combs l 1 = map (\x -> [x]) l
combs l n = foldl combs' [] l
   where combs' :: Eq a => [[a]] -> a -> [[a]]
combs' acc x = let sl = delete x l in (map (\i -> x:i) $ combs sl (n-1)) ++ acc

main = do
 print $ combs ["a","b","c","d"] 3

I get this error message from GHC 6.8.3:

   Couldn't match expected type `a1' against inferred type `a'
     `a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for `combs'' at cafe1.hs:8:23
     `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
         the type signature for `combs' at cafe1.hs:5:12
     Expected type: [a1]
     Inferred type: [a]
   In the second argument of `delete', namely `l'
   In the expression: delete x l

I don't understand why I'm seeing this. The type /a/ is the same type in /combs/ and /combs'/. I realize I can remove the type specification from /combs'/, and the code will compile. However, I'd like to get a better understanding of why GHC objects to this.

Thank you,

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