Achim Schneider wrote:
Jon Fairbairn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Adrian Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I often wonder how many cuts you need to divide a steak in n
pieces.  You can obviously get n pieces with (sqrt n) cuts
by cutting a grid.  But I'm sure some smart mathematician
thought of a (log n) way.
Are you allowed to move the pieces between cuts?

Later you're also going to demand to bend it in N dimensions, aren't

If extra dimensions are needed, perhaps the LHC could be pressed into service. Any Haskell programmers working there?

I'm sure we could settle many of these questions by injecting some chocolate particles into the accelerator. Who among us hasn't wondered what chocolate looks like when traveling at relativistic speeds? Best case, we produce an infinitely dense micro-black hole made of chocolate, which pretty much takes care of the whole recursive subdividing problem.

Plus, when popped into your mouth, it would evaporate via the tastiest Hawking radiation imaginable.


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