On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Mitchell, Neil wrote:

The error comes from using QuickCheck 2, which happens to
also use the
operator (><). I can see two ways to solve the problem:

(1) Add "< 2" after "QuickCheck" in the Wired.cabal file.

(2) Add "hiding ((><))" after "import Test.QuickCheck" in


my suggestion is: Please use alternative (2), at least if
there are no further problems with quickcheck 2! Otherwise,
depending on quickcheck
<2 just introduces unnecessary package incompatibilities.

Note that if you import hiding something that doesn't existing you'll
have a problem. Therefore this fix will require >= 2 for quickcheck, and
introduce incompatibilities either way.

That's why I like to import infix operators explicitly instead of hiding some identifiers:
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