If I were to create an object in C#, for instance, I could add code to the constructor that might limit the type further e.g.

public class Car
        string model;
        int wheels;

        public Car ( string model, int no_of_wheels )
                if (  no_of_wheels <= 2 ) {
                        throw new Exception( "a car must have at least 3 
                this.model = model;
                this.no_of_wheels = no_of_wheels;

or I could specify all sorts of things, like the size of an array could only be a certain length, or whatever. Similarly, when creating a column with SQL I'd be able to specify further constraints on the column than just it's type.

I don't see how to do this with Haskell and the data keyword. Is there a tutorial someone could point me to, or an explanation of this? Or is it that I have to wrap the creation in an accessor function that checks the inputs first?

type Model = String
type Wheels = Int

data Car = Car Model Wheels

car_maker model wheels = if wheels <= 2 then error ...
                                                else Car model wheels

Most of my programming career (if you can call it that:) has been primarily with C# and SQL, and perhaps this heady mixture of OOP and hacked-functional is confusing me!


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