Don Stewart wrote:

Has some good thoughts on what tripped him up in his first two weeks of
Haskell programming. Anything people want to work on there? :-)

Worth a read if you're thinking about how to make Haskell yet more

Sounds like it was written by somebody who's already used to languages like Lisp and Python.

As I wrote a while earlier, I recently convinced an hardent C++ programmer to install GHC and start coding. Aside from the endless stream of "minor" things that trip you over when learning any new language, the biggest thing he sited as being difficult is the "implicitness" of Haskell.

C++ is a very explicit language. If you want an integer variable, you say "int x". If you want a vector of integers, you say "std::vector<int> x". And so on. In Haskell, you just say "x" and you've got a variable. Maybe it's type is known at compile-time. Maybe its type is polymorphically determined by the caller. Maybe it's dynamically changable at runtime (e.g., if you're using something like existential quantification). And you can write entire Haskell programs with not a single type signature in sight. (Until you grok how parametric polymorphism and Haskell's non-traditional type syntax work, this is probably the easiest way to program.) If you write a class instance, you define a whole bunch of functions who's types are implicitly fixed by the class definition [which could be somewhere very remote]. Define an algebraic data type using record syntax and you just implicitly defined half a dozen value constructors and projection functions.

In short, with a few lines of Haskell, you can do an awful lot of work, and it can be a bit bewildering figuring out where all this "work" is coming from.

I for one actually *like* the implicitness of Haskell. It's what enables you to write short, flexible, intuitive code. I think it's just the teaching of the language that needs work, not so much the language itself.

That reminds me... I really must check out the draft of Real World Haskell sometime soon!

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