Jonathan Cast wrote:
Flexible instances are extroardinarily useful:

I'm sure the GHC team wouldn't have bothered otherwise. ;-)

AFAIK, "flexible instances" just means that absolutely anything can be a class instance, right?

instance Monad m => MonadState s (StateT s m)
instance MonadState t m => MonadState (s, t) (StateT s m)

is a useful and not entirely insane instance scheme.

I hadn't realised this required FIs. (Although clearly it demands MPTCs.) Man, so many TLAs...

But yeah, anyone who uses class Silly in real life should be banned from
coming within a 100 feet of any place where math, science, engineering,
or software development is carried out or taught.

I don't know if it's necessary for the good of the Children, but we need
to start thinking of the poor, defenseless computers as well...

Heh. And I thought *I* was crewl for making my poor PC use Peano integers rather than the [vastly more efficient] binary numbers...

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