Am Montag, 27. Oktober 2008 13:34 schrieb Achim Schneider:
> >
> > Who does such horrible things?
> > Repeat after me: 1 is NOT a prime. Never, under no circumstances.
> Then chase it out of your prime factor products. You'd be the first one
> to break a monoid and locate unsafeCalculate#.

Huh? I don't understand what you are trying to say here. 
In which way do you use the term "prime factor product"?
If you're referring the value of the product, 1 is a perfectly legitimate 
value, that of the empty product.
If you're referring the expression \prod_{i \in I}p_i, that doesn't contain 1.
So out of where shall "it" (I think that refers to 1, does it?) be chased?
And what has that to do with breaking monoids?

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