My setup worked:

   - Windows XP.
   - ghc-6.11.20081024
   - freeglut 2.4.0
   - darcs version of GLUT (with patched glutGetProcAddress [attached])
   - darcs version of OpenGL

Getting freeglut going with ghc on windows is a bit involved. I could write
a walkthrough if there's enough interest.


2008/10/25 Conal Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm getting crashes from ghc- and ghc-6.11.20081024 when
> doing a very simple GLUT program (below) with OpenGL- and
> GLUT- (the latest from Hackage), running on WinXP.  It works fine on
> ghc-6.9.20080622 .
> I'd appreciate hearing about other attempts with these versions on Windows
> systems.
> Thanks,  - Conal
> import Graphics.UI.GLUT
> main :: IO ()
> main = do putStrLn "Initializing"
>           getArgsAndInitialize
>           return ()
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