Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Bit,
> Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 4:32:51 PM, you wrote:
> >> It's a good idea to salt your passwords before hashing, though. See
> > What can be used for generating a random salt? Is System.Random
> > secure enough?
> if you use mkStdRNG it's good enough for non high-secure programs. it
> inits rnd generator with current time upo to picoseconds (if your OS
> provides such granularity). you can add a bit f security by reading a
> few bytes from /dev/urandom and passing these to mkStdRNG
...or by pinging a random host and taking the time difference, checking
the current cpu temperature and fan speed, counting how many times
your process gets suspended in a certain amount of time, taking a
picture of a lava lamp and hashing it, booting windows, not doing
anything, and measure the time it takes to crash, hashing a snapshot
of the slashdot frontpage, and, last, but not least, measuring the
amount of spam per second currently swooshing into your mail account.

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