Hello Alberto,

I cc this to haskell-cafe again.

Alberto G. Corona wrote:
Not so much memory, because data is referentially transparent, the new Map
can point to whole subtrees of the old map that stay the same. is similar
than  when a new list is created by prefixing a new element from a old list
ys= x:xs.  ys is not at all a fresh copy, but  x plus a pointer to the head
of xs. this is the only new data that is needed to create ys.

You could just as well compare with appending a new element to the end of the list, which needs a complete copy of the list structure to be made. One has to look more closely to see which case it is here.

More specifically, I do not see how this sharing of substructures could be employed in the implementation of hash tables, which rely on O(1) random access into arrays.

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