Manlio Perillo wrote:
John Goerzen ha scritto:
On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 10:36:32AM -0700, John A. De Goes wrote:

On the other hand, I see nothing in Haskell that would prevent its use
for any of your purposes.  There are numerous high-level web
infrastructures already.  Perhaps they are more or less suited to your
needs, but that's a library issue, not a language issue.

The question is not about Haskell language.
I think that Haskell is far better than Erlang, and in fact I'm studying Haskell and not Erlang; and one of the reason I choosed Haskell is for its support to concurrency.

The problem, IMHO, is with the availability of solid, production ready servers implemented in Haskell, that can be used as case study.

The major web framework in Haskell is HAppS, if I'm correct, and yet in the HAppS code I see some things that make me worry about the robustess of the code.


Indeed. I've been looking for a Haskell HTTP server implementation that can actually handle file serving using strictly limited memory (for a simple UPnP server, as of yet unreleased) and that also doesn't leak handles like a sieve, but I haven't found anything yet. I don't know, maybe my hackage-foo is lacking. In the end I just rolled my own implementation using the HTTP package for parsing requests and doing all the socket I/O myself using low-level primitives. It seemed to be the only way to guarantee reasonable resource usage while serving multi-gigabyte files to fickle HTTP clients that like to drop connections willy-nilly.

Don't get me wrong -- the socket support is pretty decent, but there are also some weird idiosyncrasies, for example requiring that the PortNum is specified in network byte order and lacking a function to convert host->network byte order (hton).

Oleg's Iteratee does look very interesting though. Maybe I'll have a go at trying to use his ideas in my UPnP server.


Bardur Arantsson

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