JSON is a UNICODE format, like any modern format is today. ByteStrings are not going to work.

If everybody starts yelling "ByteString" every time String performance is an issue, I don't see how Haskell is ever going to be a "real world programming language".

On Jan 13, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

"Levi Greenspan" <greenspan.l...@googlemail.com> writes:

Now I wonder why Text.JSON is so slow in comparison and what can be
done about it. Any ideas? Or is the test case invalid?

I haven't used JSON, but at first glance, I'd blame String IO.  Can't
you decode from ByteString?

Text.JSON was never optimised for performance. It was designed for small
JSON objects. For things above 1M I'd suggest using Data.Binary (or a
quick JSON encoding over bytestrings). Shouldn't be too hard to prepare.

-- Don
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