Richard Feinman once said: "if someone says he understands quantum mechanics, he doesn't understand quantum mechanics".

But what did he know...

Luke Palmer wrote:
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Michael Giagnocavo < <>> wrote:

     >Your talk of undergraduate courses to concat two lists isn't grounded
     >in any kind of reality, muddies the waters, and probably scares people
     >away from Haskell by giving the impression that it's much harder than
     >it is.

    I've been studying Haskell a bit to understand and learn more about
    functional programming (I'm using F#). I have to say, the scariest
    thing I've faced was exactly what you say. Everything I read built
    "monads" up to be this ungraspable thing like quantum mechanics.

Yeah, monad is on the same level as quantum mechanics. Both are equally simple and popularly construed as ungraspable.

(However to grasp monads easily you need a background in FP; to grasp QM easily you need a background in linear algebra)


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