Well-done! I've said for many months that we need a channel like this!

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Philippa Cowderoy <fli...@flippac.org>wrote:

> Hi folks. As I've been daft enough to get a few things rolling, it looks
> like it's fallen on me to announce the new IRC channel,
> #haskell-in-depth.
> #haskell has been a roaring success over the last few years, as Don has
> repeatedly pointed out. Unfortunately that roar is starting to make it
> hard for some to participate - there's so much traffic that it can be
> difficult to fit an additional conversation in. We're starting to hit
> the limits as to how far one channel can take us, and that means we need
> to explore ways to divide up traffic.
> Actually, this isn't entirely new - a number of years ago now,
> #haskell-blah was formed as a space for off-topic (and sometimes
> less-than-worksafe) conversation among #haskell regulars. We also
> created #haskell-overflow, but it doesn't see much use except among some
> of the cabal implementors because it's hard to know when to take the
> conversation you're currently in to -overflow.
> We need channels that people start their conversations in, not ones to
> send people to! So we're trying a space for in-depth discussion. The new
> channel is open to everyone, just like #haskell. But just as we're
> hoping for certain kinds of discussion, there're others we want to
> avoid. If you need to know how to use monads so you can do IO,
> #haskell-in-depth isn't the place. On the other hand, if you want to
> discuss how Haskell's monads compare to the category theory or what the
> category theory can tell us about how individual monads relate to the
> language as a whole, -in-depth is a good place! In particular, we're
> hoping that the kind of category theory discussions that give the
> mistaken impression you actually need to know CT will increasingly live
> in #haskell-in-depth.
> We're not after a theory channel though - architectural discussion,
> compiler implementation, possible type system extensions, library
> design, all are good subjects.
> Anyway, I shouldn't ramble on for too long here - #haskell-in-depth is
> open for business and we look forward to seeing you there!
> --
> Philippa Cowderoy <fli...@flippac.org>
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