Duncan Coutts wrote:
On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 10:11 +0100, Christian Maeder wrote:
Duncan Coutts wrote:
On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 15:49 +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
Does this version work from ghci?

  -- Lennart
Specifically I believe Lennart is asking about Windows. It's worked in
ghci in Linux for ages and it worked in ghci in Windows prior to the
0.9.13 release.

In the 0.9.13 release on Windows there was something funky with linking
(possibly due to using a newer mingw) and ghci's linker could not
understand was was going on and could not load the packages.
I'm having trouble
(cairo depends on pthread, which has a linker script)
Is there an easy workaround?

The way it used to work was that the Gtk2Hs ./configure script just
filtered out pthread on linux systems. Of course that's just a hack.

Maybe that ticket can be considered in "Plans for GHC 6.10.2"

Maybe. Dealing with linker scripts properly is probably rather tricky
and we get it for free when we switch to shared libraries.

I don't follow this last point - how does switching to shared libraries for Haskell code change things here?

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